[ale] playing DVD on 7.3

ChangingLINKS.com x3 at ChangingLINKS.com
Sat Jul 6 14:00:33 EDT 2002

Is RedHat doing a making it harder to use Xine? According to the Xine web 
site, "The xine-lib archive must be installed first. " (text below)
I have never had to uninstall a program like Xine with Linux before. How do I 
remove Xine from my system completely, so that I can install Xine again (with 
the lib first)? Is there an easier way? Why would RedHat include a 
semi-functioning install that you have to remove and re-install to get to 
work with DVD?
Wishing you Happiness, Joy and Laughter,
Drew Brown

3.2 Quick-start installation guide 

Extract the Xine source archives as outlined in the section entitled Compiling 
and installing Xine. The xine-lib archive must be installed first. Change to 
the xine-lib.x.y.z directory and configure the source code for your machine 
and compile the code by typing: 
  $ ./configure
  $ make

You may wish to use the ./configure --help command to see if you have to setup 
any machine specific options. 

Now, as the user root, enter the following command: 
  $ make all install

IMPORTANT! Before you can compile xine-ui, you may need to inform your system 
of the location of the xine libraries, you may need to set the 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to the directory you installed the Xine 
library and/or run the ldconfig program. For example, if you had installed 
xine-lib to /usr/local, you may need to enter the following command before 
compiling xine-ui. 

  $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Once the Xine library is installed, you can repeat these steps with the 
xine-ui.x.y.z directory. 

On Saturday 06 July 2002 12:30, you wrote:
> Have you installed libCSS? See helpful attachment.
> On Saturday 06 July 2002 12:21 pm, ChangingLINKS.com wrote:
> > ale,07-06-02 1212
> > I have upgraded to 7.3 which has Xine already installed in it by default.
> > Unfortunately, when I try to play DVDs, Xine says that it cannot play the
> > encrypted DVD. When I try to install Ogle just like I would with RedHat
> > 7.2 it does not work. When I try to install Xine like I would with 7.2,
> > it does not work.
> > Can someone give me exact diretions to get DVDs to play with RedHat 7.3.

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