[ale] RE: [ale-unemployed] New Company

rhiannen rhiannen at atlantacon.org
Wed Jan 30 18:25:26 EST 2002

Unfortunately, there are very good reasons to have lawyers involved, at
least in the development stage of a business idea.  Minor mistakes at
the beginning can become major problems (and Very Expen$ive) later on.

The non-profit board overseeing the enterprise alone could lay down a
ton of hidden snares to trip later. How are they interacting?  Who's
responsible for problems incurred if following the boards standards
uncover a hidden booby-trap on a client site? etc., etc. Not to mention
the extra accountabilities that go along with a non-profit entity.

It's not a bad idea to have a friendly (knows some tech, knows small
business/consulting) one around on a small retainer as well.  I've known
too many people who've lost their business & their shirt due to "I don't
need no steenkin' lawyer" mentality. 

It's kind of the old saw, pay a little now, or a lot later.

knowledge is power - arm yourself

Charles Marcus wrote:
> > From: Chris Farris [mailto:chrisf at primeharbor.com]
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 2:33 PM
> > To: unemployed at ale.org
> > Subject: [ale-unemployed] New Company
> >
> > 4. We use the dues money to market the non-profit, pay some lawyers to
> > help w/ the legalese in the referral/co-marketing agreement.
> This is the only part I don't like.  I see no reason to involve lawyers.  They only usually muck things up.
> my .02 clad coin worth
> Charles
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