[ale] newbie GPL/ S.B.A. question?

Adrin haswes at mindspring.com
Mon Jan 21 22:05:43 EST 2002

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Fowler [mailto:cfowler at outpostsentinel.com]
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 9:52 PM
To: haswes at mindspring.com; ale at ale.org
Subject: RE: [ale] newbie GPL/ S.B.A. question?


I meant http://www.spa.org

A while back the BSA sent memoes to people at companies around the country.
They basically said the same things

1.  Here is you audit number: #########
2.  You have 30 days to becomre compliant
3.  We'll be in your area to audit you.

This was a hoaks by them to force companies to buy licenses.  We'll it
worked.  They could not audit you unless they had reason to believe you
stole.  This would require a court order.  But they did notice a sharp rise
in license purchases.  You'll alos notice that many of their partners were
offering license pack deals during this time (Microsoft).  Maybe a few here
go that letter.  I did.  Being how I was not an exec, it was not my problem.

I remember the radio adds.  And a software plug after it.


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