[ale] AIM for Debian...

Michael Golden naugrimk at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 21 16:25:40 EST 2002

> Have you tried tik? It's a tcl/tk-based AIM client that packaged as
> part of Debian, and it's Free Software. It was originally supported by
> AOL as a AIM alternative for *nix types, but has been abandoned by
> them. Stil works, though...(hold on, lemme check...yup!) It runs on
> the older TOC AIM messenging protocol, rather than the newer one,
> OSCAR (which seems to be the reason that it hasn't suffered the wrath
> of AOL like Jabber, et al.) Not a bad lil' package, really.

I personally prefer gAIM over _any_ other Linux AIM client. I have tried
most of the others including EveryBuddy (which does multiple protocols
like gaim does) and I don't like any of them but gAIM. If it doesn't
work on your box, have you tried compiling it yourself? I run the cvs
and it always compiles fine and works. Why doesn't it work on your box?
Kernel too old?


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