[ale] Using NTPD

Robert Heaven robertheaven at attbi.com
Thu Feb 28 21:39:31 EST 2002

Not positive if this will work on the Linux version on ntpd but, try 
this in your ntpd.conf file:


Chris Fowler wrote:

>I'm trying to install ntpdate on all my unix machines to pull the time from 1 Linux box.  On the Linux box I run ntpd and on the other machines I run ntpdate.  But I get the following error:
>28 Feb 08:25:54 ntpdate[63]: no server suitable for synchronization found
>I do not want ntpd to gets it time from the internet.  I want ntpd to return the time of the Linux box to the other servers.  Can I fix this?
>Chris Fowler
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