[ale] Looking To Outsource Web Server Management

Chris Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Tue Feb 19 18:02:44 EST 2002

Call RackSpace first.  Your problem is that you need on call support.  That
may get expensive.  You need to find someone who will offer you an SLA that
provides provisions for your needs.  I believe Dell is more suited for
Mom & Pop type orgs.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Millson [mailto:mgm at atsga.com]
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 5:52 PM
Subject: [ale] Looking To Outsource Web Server Management

I'm trying to do some strategic planning and start making contacts with
people who could help manage a web server I am hoping to get in the future.
Basically I want to have a dedicated web server, and I want to outsource the
management of the server. I am looking for someone to install and configure
MySQL and an open source servlet engine like Tomcat and possibly JBoss.
Someone to advise me and be on call in case something happens to the server.

I have been looking at the dedicated solutions from Dell. They offer the
basic install of Linux and Apache and basic support, but you have to install
your own databases and middleware. So it would be the case where everything
would be able to be handled remotely.

These are the Dell plans I have been looking at.

What I like about them is that you get 8 IP addresses with each plan. And
you can add IP addresses one at a time for a small fee (I have to verify
what that fee is). I haven't seen anything else like this out there in the
hosting world.

The D-2800 ($249/month) has an IDE drive. The D-3100 ($349/month) has a SCSI
drive. The D-3100 ($449/month) has single channel RAID 1. Some of the
options seem kind of steep. $199/month for a firewall. $100/month for 5
daily incremental and 1 full weekly backup.

Does anyone have any thoughts on any of these Dell plans? Maybe I should be
looking someplace else or in another direction? Anyone in the business of
managing web servers that would be interested in talking about this more w/

Thank you,
Mike Millson
Web Systems Engineer
Sun Certified Programmer for Java2 Platform
AableTech Solutions, Inc.
404.219.3177 cell
770.414.8206 fax

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