[ale] petition

Tony Ucedavelez tucedavelez at datamatx.com
Fri Feb 15 14:14:50 EST 2002

>Both Microsoft and hardware manufacturers realize that continued 
>growth just isn't going to happen. They have been relying on the old 
>approach (ever larger tail fins, more horsepower, lots of chrome) for a 
>now, but people are beginning to catch on to that scam.

not really....
every business (not only microsoft) is susceptible to this 
eventually....it's just a matter of when.  any *successful* organization 
(*successful* defined in this case by market penetration) will eventually 
run into their own asymptote....it's up to them (through r&d and 
diversification) to further gain market share and growth.

if detroit came out with better fuel efficient cars w/ each model, i'm sure 
they would gain the attention of those customers whose demographics fit 
that of one who cares for fuel efficiency (example can transcend to other 
features - safety, mileage, towing capacity, etc)

overall - INNOVATION makes the difference.  That's why linux is gaining 
share with *masses*.....for the constant ingenuity that is invested into 
it's OS.  but unfortunately or fortunately (however you prefer) the masses 
ultimately determine whose innovative.

Antonio O. UcedaVelez
3146 Northeast Expressway
Atlanta, GA  30341-5345
(o) 770.936.5600 Ext. 277
(f) 770.936.5614
tucedavelez at datamatx.com

-----Original Message-----
From:	Irv Mullins [SMTP:irvm at ellijay.com]
Sent:	Friday, February 15, 2002 1:43 PM
To:	ale at ale.org
Subject:	Re: [ale] petition

On Friday 15 February 2002 09:23 am, Benjamin Dixon wrote:

> Which is unfortunate. But MS seems to realize that their strategy is not
> going to work too much longer. They still have a tight grip on the 
> market but it seems the growth potential of that market is capped. How
> much stuff can you possibly add to an OS before you can't add enough 
> features that its marketable as different from your previous release?

Both Microsoft and hardware manufacturers realize that continued 
growth just isn't going to happen. They have been relying on the old 
approach (ever larger tail fins, more horsepower, lots of chrome) for a 
now, but people are beginning to catch on to that scam.

If that won't continue to increase sales, then the only thing left is
forced obsolescence. They're working on that too. I predict that Microsoft
will soon attempt to make their software a subscription-only product, with 
monthly payment plan (assuring a steady income stream) and automatic
disconnection if you don't pay on time.

Will this fly? I don't think so, but it will be fun to watch!


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