[ale] bout me company

Irv Mullins irvm at ellijay.com
Fri Feb 15 13:05:14 EST 2002

On Friday 15 February 2002 08:52 am, Geoffrey wrote:
> Irv Mullins wrote:
> > I suppose this doesn't really matter.  In any larger company, success
> > doesn't depend on what you know. Who you know, and what they *think* you
> > know makes all the difference.
> I guarantee you I am where I am because of my credentials.  And I'm with
> a sizeable company, AT&T.

I don't doubt that for a moment. But are you at the VP level?
Playing golf with the CEO is a faster way to get there than any amount of 
technical expertise. In fact, people with great technical abilities are often 
too valuable to promote past a certain point. 

> > Quite cynical.  Speaking from experience,  AT&T does have a separate 
> > budget for training. but that's where it stays.  Not all companies are 
> > Enron.

Quite true. I believe the vast majority of people are honest.
It's cynicism that keeps me from leaving my wallet on the front steps 
overnight.  A healthy thing, seems to me.


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