[ale] bout me company

Jeff Hubbs hbbs at attbi.com
Fri Feb 15 09:18:15 EST 2002

Irv Mullins wrote:

>So if having nice certificates from these all-day donut fests will increase 
>your chances of moving up the ladder until you reach a point where you can no 
>longer do any actual damage, why not take advantage of them?  (As long as 
>someone else is paying.)  Besides, your company probably has a fund set aside 
>for training. If you don't use it, they'll just blow it on greens fees for 
>the CEO.
The question is, is it really a "fund" or is it an arbitrary "labeling" 
of money?  Think of it this way:  what would you think of the company 
that sends people to a Win2K "wizardfest" like the $5995 one I described 
earlier BUT would turn down someone who wanted to go for one of the 
computer security certs?  Or, to abstractualize further, one that 
wouldn't pay for a UPS?  One former employer of mine wouldn't pop for a 
UPS or a tape drive but would pop for four security cameras and a 
time-lapse VCR.  

- Jeff

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