[ale] Create custom log

sangell at nan.net sangell at nan.net
Thu Feb 14 12:29:05 EST 2002

I tried this one a day or two ago and got no replies so I'll try another
method. Can/How do I create a means of logging file access? I am needing to
monitor access to directories in /home. I need a means of knowing when
files placed on a server have been picked up so that they can be deleted by
an automated process. Why do I not let the user delete the files? Because I
have to have a way of showing that the file was placed on the server, was
picked up, and then deleted a short time later. Otherwise client can lose
file and blame me for it "never being placed on server to be picked up". I
would like to log ftp transactions but have exhausted all efforts to find a
solution to do that since I am using F-Secure and sftp. Any help? Anybody?
You guys are awake right? (Please keep in mind programming is not my

As always thanks in advance!

\_    Steve Angell,  MCSE, CCNA           _/
\_    MIS Operations Manager               _/
\_    TSYS Debt Management             _/
\_    Norcross, GA                                   _/
\_    Phone 770-409-5570                    _/
\_    Fax      770-416-1752                   _/

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