[ale] Installing linux on win 2000 partition

hirsch at zapmedia.com hirsch at zapmedia.com
Tue Feb 5 15:38:42 EST 2002

John Wells writes:
 > I have a win 2000 machine with two partitions, c: and
 > d:.  I want to install RedHat 7.2 over the d:
 > partition.  Could anyone point me to a document that
 > will walk me through this?  I'm assuming it's not as
 > simple as dual-booting Win 98 and RH.

I've loaded RedHat 7.1 and mandrake 8.1 on a partition of a laptop
that already had w2k on it without any difficulties.  Lilo and Grub
are both pretty smart, nowadays.

My only advice is: If redhat can do grub, use grub.  


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