[ale] SNMP programming with PERL

Ken Kennedy kkennedy at kenzoid.com
Sat Feb 2 12:29:54 EST 2002

On Sat, Feb 02, 2002 at 11:18:54AM -0500, Ken Nagorski wrote:
> Hi there, 
> Uhg, I am diving into the yukkie world of SNMP... I need to write a script 
> that gets the current bandwidth, doesn't matter if it's in bits bytes, or 
> whatever. I can work with it once I get it. I just can't seem to figure out 
> what oid it is? 
> Also - Anyone who might have experience with this? What perl modules are 
> best I was looking at one on the net but I don't know if there isn't a 
> better one? 

No experience (SNMP...yikes! *grin*), but a quick look at CPAN:


shows three sets of registered SNMP-types modules (by my quick
eyeballing). A look at their changlogs, etc. should give you an idea
of which ones are most up-to-date and featureful.

At least a place to start, perhaps. (Apologies if you've already been
down this road!)


Ken Kennedy	| http://www.kenzoid.com	| kenzoid at io.com

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