[ale] OT: H1B

ahuitzot at mindspring.com ahuitzot at mindspring.com
Tue Dec 17 09:46:28 EST 2002

On Tue, 17 Dec 2002 04:06:33 -0500 Bob Evans <bobevans19 at yahoo.com> wrote:


> If this 
> globalization thing is the wave of the future,
> how come it's one way 
> only? I live in North Carolina, which used to
> have a thriving textile 
> industry. A large part of that work went
> overseas a couple years back. 
> So now I, as a consumer, should benefit from
> that move, by getting 
> cheaper clothes, right? Heck, for what they pay
> the people making 
> shirts, I should get 'em for 5 or 6 bucks a
> piece. Unfortunately, that 
> isn't the case.

Until the CEO's and other corperate morons that are doing this offshoring get
the clue, I am not sure what will happen.  Sure offshoring SHOULD make it so
that we would only pay $6 for a sweatshop produced garment, but its not that
way.  Why?  I bet its because the "upper management" that actually did the
offshoring are getting a large cut of the "newly found profits".  Until these
morons understand that if they keep doing this offshoring there will be noone
in the US that can afford these things (no jobs == no money) then we are going
to be doomed I am afraid.

I think its a rather stupid mentality this "Lets get rid of our expensive US
labour (in any industry) and replace it with cheap offshore labour, then we
can reduce the price of our goods (a very little bit) and make things more
affordable for our customers!"  And then the "customers" (who were employees,
but the management is too stupid to realise this) go "Well we would buy these
nice cheaply made products you are offering us now, but we have no monies to
buy them with.  Remember you fired us all to make these things cheaper?"

I am no economist by any means, but this is what it looks like is happening. 
If it continues to happen, the big moronic companies will have all sorts of
products being "MADE IN AMERICA"  (well atleast the company is American...
Yeah right) but no one in America will be able to afford them anymore.... 
This does not make any sense to me!

BTW, why is it legal for a company to be in America, sell to people and
companies in America, but have most if not all (anything over 50%) the
companies work done off shore (as is the case it seems in alot of these new
off shore ventures) and yet not have to pay any import tarrifs such as a
forign company would?  I would concider a company forign if it did more then
50% of its work offshore....  I think something is seriously wrong with that


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