[ale] OT: H1B

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Mon Dec 16 15:10:25 EST 2002

There is some issue with folks who do not speak the english language 
well.  I for one, work with a gentleman from China, who I can not 
understand at all.  Very few people can.  This is not a racist issue. 
Command of the English language is just as critical a tool as command of 
the programming language.

Benjamin Scherrey wrote:
> You people are a bunch of pathetic racist losers who don't have a clue as to what you are talking 
> about. These are the same arguments that have been used to support segregation and attacks on 
> minority owned businesses. Why don't you all go move to Zimbabwe where you will find your views 
> more more in line with the present government? They really don't belong on this list or in America.
> 	Ben Scherrey

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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