[ale] OT: H1B

Vaidhy Mayilrangam vaidhy at loonys.net
Mon Dec 16 12:30:41 EST 2002


I am just curious what special facilities do H1B have? I have been there
and I do not know of any. I paid my taxes, my social security, medicare,
and unemployment insurance (even though I can not avail any of the last
3 if I were to lose my job), cannot work for anyone I want to (in fact,
if I were to start a company, I cannot even work there) and have to
leave the country within 10 days if I lost my job.

In addition to all these, to get the job under H1B, you have to be
better than others.

Somehow, you seem to have assumed that being a foreign non-immigrant
worker is a piece of cake and US has laid out a red carpet to welcome us
all. Well, the truth is, being a non-immigrant worker is tough and it is
even tougher to survive when you lose your job.

And oh, btw, most of those people who own the motels and others are US
citizens though of Indian origin. go talk to them when you get a chance.


On Mon, 2002-12-16 at 18:31, Irv Mullins wrote:
> On Monday 16 December 2002 12:53 am, Benjamin Scherrey wrote:
> > You people are a bunch of pathetic racist losers who don't have a clue as
> > to what you are talking about. These are the same arguments that have been
> > used to support segregation and attacks on minority owned businesses. Why
> > don't you all go move to Zimbabwe where you will find your views more more
> > in line with the present government? They really don't belong on this list
> > or in America.
> >
> > 	Ben Scherrey
> Hmm. Seems to me that the pathetic loser is the one who has to hang ugly 
> labels on people because he cannot counter their arguments with facts.
> American citizens have certain rights - in the US -, just as Mexican, French ,
> etc citizens do in their own countries. Rights that I, as a US citizen, DO 
> NOT EXPECT to have if I am a visitor to their countries.
> Are the French racists because innkeepers demand your passport?
> Are the Mexicans racists because they won't let foreigners own land 
> near the ocean? Or because they expect foreigners to pay for their own 
> college education? Why, you can't even go to Mexico and stay for 
> an unlimited time without having to report periodically to renew your visitor 
> status. How draconian!
> No, they're not racists. They have laws, and those laws do not give visitors 
> the same rights as citizens. There's no reason they should. Unless a country 
> is in dire need of labor, there's no reason that country should provide *any* 
> benefits whatsoever to non-citizens.
> Irv
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