[ale] Num Lock

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Mon Dec 16 10:39:52 EST 2002

This may be a local login startup script such as the .bashrc file in 
your home directory.  I've noticed under SuSE that when logging in to 
the KDE GUI that many things are configured by the KDE personalized 
startup process.  I've ended up putting local scripts for my working 
environment in a "AutoStartup" directory under the .kde directory.  I 
think you'll need to understand your Gnome or KDE startup scripts to 
override some options if you want changes.  As KDE and Gnome become more 
transparently user friendly, there will be more complexity underneath 
that we will need to understand and know how to control.  This might be 
a good subject for a talk.  Not that I'm volunteering!

ChangingLINKS.com wrote:

>That did not work either. Can anyone else guess where the "startup script" is?
>On Sunday 15 December 2002 17:47, you wrote:
>>Try adding it to the end of /etc/rc.local.
>>ChangingLINKS.com said:
>>>Where is this "startup script" he is talking about. Looking on the net
>>>confirmed my confusion: http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue48/tag/50.html
>>>Adding the line to /etc/inittab did not work for me.
>>>On Sunday 15 December 2002 12:45, you wrote:
>>>>Put this in your startup script:
>>>>setleds +num
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Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428
Systems Support Specialist    Fax: 770-423-6744
1000 Chastain Rd., Bldg. 12
Chemistry Department SC428  Email:dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Kennesaw State University         Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
Kennesaw, GA 30144
*Computational Chemistry is fun!*

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