[ale] OT: GPL Question

Joseph A. Knapka jknapka at earthlink.net
Fri Aug 30 18:54:46 EDT 2002

"Jeffrey B. Layton" wrote:
>    I think I'm beginning to understand things a bit better. I'm
> reading the Asay article. I'm also going to contact some attorney
> friends and get their 2 cents on it (they are good honest attornies
> which are extremely rare today).
>    In the meantime, let me ask a related question. I really like
> to use Nedit (www.nedit.org) as me editor. However, Nedit is
> GPL. Does that mean that anything I produce, such as source
> code, using Nedit is covered under GPL? Anyone?

The GPL does explicitly say that the output of a GPL'd
program isn't necessarily GPL'd, but I bet you a dollar
Stallman would say, "It depends."

-- Joe
  "I'd rather chew my leg off than maintain Java code, which
   sucks, 'cause I have a lot of Java code to maintain and
   the leg surgery is starting to get expensive." - Me

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