[ale] LOGOS

Fletch fletch at phydeaux.org
Fri Aug 30 10:45:27 EDT 2002

>>>>> "Christopher" == Christopher R Curzio <ale at accipiter.org> writes:


    Christopher> I don't know about PS6, or if it has any vector
    Christopher> utilities (as I haven't been current with Photoshop
    Christopher> since I bought v4) but I still think its primary
    Christopher> function is bitmap editing.

        Having actually recently started to play with a recent (v6)
Photoshop, I'll chime in.

        It (PSv6) does some degree of vector suport.  You still
wouldn't want to do your primary work in it (in fact what I was doing
to get me using Photoshop again took a trip through FreeHand for
converting from scanned image to vector), but there are now `Shape 
Layers' that allow you to do simple vector operations on a seperate
layer of your image that remain resolution independent (until you get
everything the way that you want and then you rasterize at the
resolution you need).  Shape layers can be used as components of the
image or as masks for compositing.  There's also some neat things that
can be done with text layers (type along paths for example) that used
to have to be done seperately in a vector program and then imported. 

        Unrelated to vector support, recent PS versions have the
ability to add `Adjustment Layers'.  Basically you can add a layer to
the image that diddles the levels or adds colour to the layers
beneath.  The adjustment layer can be moved, masked, and blened just
like an image layer.  Another feature is the ability to add different
common effects (drop shadows, bevels) to layers (image or shape) which
can be altered at any time (made wider, less opaque, more bumpy).  A
set of layer effects can be made into a layer style, which can be
copied to other layers or saved as a preset.

        I'd say that the Gimp has easily caught up to probably at
least Photoshop 4, but there's some really neat stuff in 5 and 6 that
they're still playing catchup.  Granted you can do pretty much the
same stuff in both, for many common tasks Photoshop may require just a
couple of clicks where the Gimp would require several steps and
running a couple of plugins.  Also I haven't looked at the dev branch
of the Gimp recently so I can't say whether they're not copying any of
the things I mentioned.

        Now if I only could get it to run under Wine . . . :)

Fletch                | "If you find my answers frightening,       __`'/|
fletch at phydeaux.org   |  Vincent, you should cease askin'          \ o.O'
770 933-0600 x211(w)  |  scary questions." -- Jules                =(___)=
770 294-0820 (m)      |                                               U

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