[ale] gentoo success!

SanMillan, Todd tis3 at cdc.gov
Wed Aug 28 14:39:13 EDT 2002

X on a 386, that's where I learned to configure X.  8mb RAM.  It would fire
up and I could run one app, but it was the same as you described installing,
I would let it do it's thing, then turn to it when I had the time.  Once I
graduated to the 486/80 w/32mb RAM it was actually usable for reading news
and running Mosaic.  :)

> From: Geoffrey [mailto:esoteric at 3times25.net] 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 2:01 PM


> >>Not bad.  Then again, I just installed Slack 8.1 on:
> >>
> >>486/33 20mb memory 64mb swap.  2.5gig drive of which 5% is used. :)


> >I don't think I'll run X on the 486. :)


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