[ale] gentoo

Joseph A. Knapka jknapka at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 27 11:05:47 EDT 2002

Michael Hirsch wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-08-27 at 09:07, Geoffrey wrote:
> > make menuconfig
> > make .... :)
> I have to say that my Gentoo kernel build was probably the fastest
> kernel build I've ever done.  maybe this optimization stuff has
> something going for it.  I've never bothered to build glibc and gcc for
> 686.  Even Mandrake only builds the packages for pentium, not pentium
> My computer at home is compiling emacs while I'm at work.  Fun fun.  I'm
> thinking of not putting vi on it--I've never had a michine without vi
> before.  Oh boy!

Hah! I chose to install -only- elvis on my Gentoo box,
thinking "It's about time I came to terms with this
vi thing." I've never had a machine without Emacs before...

  "I'd rather chew my leg off than maintain Java code, which
   sucks, 'cause I have a lot of Java code to maintain and
   the leg surgery is starting to get expensive." - Me

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