[ale] OT- Transition to fast access

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Mon Aug 26 22:57:17 EDT 2002

This is probably Bellsouths IFTL (integrated fiber through the loop).  I 
couldn't get dsl at my previous home until Bellsouth ran their fiber 
through my neighborhood.  Somehow it extends dsl capabilities.

Mike Panetta wrote:
> Just to clerify his post that it does work...  I am in Dacula (where the
> origional poster of the question lives) and I have DSL via mspring, and
> it DOES work, at an almost guaranteed rate (my guarantee not msprings or
> bellsouths) at 150KB/s+.  This of course depends on where I am
> connecting to, but its almost always that fast.  BTW, 150KB/s is
> 1200Kb/s, or ~1.2Mb/s.  
> The only reason I can think that it works is this:  I am less then the
> required max distance from a "telco fibre box thingy" (I do not know the
> technical name for it, but they are the brownish beige boxes you
> sometimes see on the side of the road).  This box takes a fibre line
> from the real telco and redistributes it to copper at the box, so my
> effective distance (copper distance) from the telco could be as little
> as 1500 feet.  I am not sure which box I am connected to, but I do know
> that there are several in Dacula which I notice on the side of the road
> while driving around.
> This is why my DSL works (I think).
> On Mon, 2002-08-26 at 14:23, Charles Marcus wrote:
>>>From: F. Grant Robertson [mailto:f.g.robertson at alexiongroup.com]
>>>Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 5:10 PM
>>>>Yes, I think it is a waste of time - I don't even think
>>>>they'd attempt an install at that distance.
>>>Not so fast there...  I'm _at_ 36,500 feet, and this email
>>>will go out over my DSL at 256k up/1.5 down. Depends on what
>>>equipment is in the area.
>>No offense, but I highly doubt it.  Every distance requirement I've ever
>>seen for ADSL is a *maximum* of 18,000 ft from the CO.  Anything more and
>>they won't even try - much less give you 1.5Mb down.  ADSL is very distance
>>sensitive, so if you are at 17,500 ft, there's no way you'll get 1.5Mb
>>Maybe you're using some kind of new implementation or technology, but I
>>would think some of us here would have heard about it before now...
>>>If Bellsouth's fast access site says you qualify, you can
>>>get something reasonable.
>>Yes, but to qualify, you must be within 18,000 ft.  Are you sure you're not
>>at 3,650 ft?
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Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

I didn't have to buy my radio from a specific company to listen
to FM, why doesn't that apply to the Internet (anymore...)?

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