[ale] Favorite distros

Bao C. Ha bao at hacom.net
Mon Aug 26 16:24:38 EDT 2002

On Mon, Aug 26, 2002 at 04:15:08PM -0400, Charles Marcus wrote:
> Seriously, though - I was told slackware was more BSD than Linux - was that
> wrong?

Slackware is Linux!

Oh!  You mean the SysV init and rc files.  It is still SysV R2,
while Debian and RedHat follows the SysV R3 convention.  I
think BSD does not have inittab.  It has one humongous rc file 
for everything.  I also don't think the BSD camp will look 
kindly to such a comment.


Bao C. Ha                    voice: (310) 980-3805
8D66 6672 7A9B 6879 85CD  42E0 9F6C 7908 ED95 6B38
Primary Perpetrator of "Slackware Linux Unleashed"

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