[ale] Gentoo: the good, the bad, the ugly

Irv Mullins irvm at ellijay.com
Mon Aug 26 11:16:50 EDT 2002

On Monday 26 August 2002 10:47 am, you wrote:
> Michael Hirsch wrote:
> > I also started looking at Gentoo.  I decided that my low level
> > installation/administration/configuration skills were atrophying.  And
> > if I don't likeit I'll work on my defenestration skills.
> Of course you knew I'd have to look that one up. Talk about a wasted
> word.  Why in the world would anyone create a word for such a process???

>From de- + Latin fenestra, window.

Latin may be long dead, but it still provides a succinct way to say "Screw 
Bill Gates". Wonderful, ain't it?


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