[ale] guess I am screwed, eh?

Chris Woodruff cwoodruff at openpenguin.com
Sun Aug 25 10:28:48 EDT 2002

If I had to do it all over again I would take a slightly different track.
At Michigan State where I went to school there was a degree within the
college of engineering (computer science is part of) that is called
Engineering Arts.  The idea was that a sudent could cross 2 areas of studies
that complemented each other and with approval could get a BS.  I had a few
friends that crossed computer jobs science and music but the most common
thing was to cross computer science (or any engineering discipline) with
some type of business.  Maybe GaTech has something similiar that you could
look into to.  Have a technical education and offset it with aome other

Chris Woodruff

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