[ale] Bash command to output filenames with complete path?

Andrew Grimmke grimmke at directvinternet.com
Thu Aug 15 10:28:19 EDT 2002

Thanks everybody,

Yes, 'find' is clearly my friend for this task.  I dig
the chron job idea.  That way the songs just make thier
way to the list file w/o wasting the cycles every time
I want tunes.  very slick.  

On Thu, 15 August 2002, Geoffrey wrote:

> Rather than do the 'ls' every time you fire up your
> script, you could 
> have a cron job that runs on a regular basis that
> builds your list.  As 
> someone else noted, find is what you need if you want
> the full path, 
> although if all the files reside in a single
> you could do
> 'ls MP3DIRECTORY/*'  Yet, since you're using the -R
> option to 'ls' I 
> suspect you have multiple directories.  Then again, if
> there is a finite 
> # of directories you could again use ls in some way
> such as:
> ls /home/andrew/mp3/DIR1/*.mp3
> /home/andrew/mp3/DIR2/*.mp3 > 
> /home/andrew/temp/mp3list
> Assuming all your mp3 files have the extension 'mp3'.

Andrew Grimmke
Marietta, Georgia

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