[ale] OT: KSU Wireless LAN.

exo exodous at m-net.arbornet.org
Wed Aug 14 23:16:07 EDT 2002


How is it going.  Few months back I did testing for wireless lan at KSU.
First of all it is not everywhere u think it is.  It is in the student
center.  Last time i checked, cafeteria had it working ..slow and fast at
some places.  And near the statue.  The whole building is to have it, but
the antenna is there also.  So if u are under the antenna, it will not
work.  Work around campus, especialy behind the nursing building, you
might see some free network access points.  The library has wireless in
the the building.  They might have implemented throughout the campus b/c
of dorms and stuff.  There will be lot of people at KSU now.  It is so
going to be like a real college :)...hehe

Buy the cards on ebay or something (bestbuy, compusa etc).  KSU bookstore
prices are too damn inflated.  Nick already mentioned it.  The more people
use the wireless lan, it will get upgraded.   It is a start.  They do want
wireless on campus.  And last time I checked, it was free for all access,
no security stuff installed...i dunno what it is now.

Well that is my ksu wireless lan story.

Hope it helps




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