[ale] stupid windows directory names with spaces in them...

Danny Cox danscox at mindspring.com
Wed Aug 14 07:15:52 EDT 2002


On Tue, 2002-08-13 at 20:51, Geoffrey wrote:
> Can anyone suggest a way I can create a tar file of a set of files that 
> meet the above subjects criteria?
> tar -cvzf /tmp/date.tgz $(</tmp/filelist)

	I wasn't even aware that bash would handle that construct: "$(<file)". 
You learn something every day ;-).

	Nevertheless, the problem comes from two parsings of the file names:
once by the shell, and once by tar.  Try this:

	tar -cvzf /tmp/date.tgz --files-from /tmp/filelist

--files-from can also be '-T' if you wish short names.  Just for fun,
you may try 'j' instead of 'z'.  This uses bzip2 instead of gzip, which
many times gets you a bit smaller archive.  It also possibly runs a
little longer too, though.  YMMV.

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medieval traditions of sorcery and black art.


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