[ale] OT -- Need Logo Designed with Gimp

Sean Kilpatrick kilpatms at mindspring.com
Thu Aug 1 14:19:00 EDT 2002

On Thursday 01 August 2002 09:46 pm, Chris Woodruff wrote:
> I am looking for any gimp gurus out there that can take a hand drawn logo
> concept and give back a nice logo for my company.

Any particular reason it _has_ to be done with the Gimp?
Gimp may look like Photoshop, but it really isn't. <sigh>

I would suspect, depending on the complexity, that there
are dozens of graphics gurus who could do this work for
you at your price (with Photoshop or the equivilent) in
an hour or two.

I'd offer to help, but I'm a photographer and I use
Photoshop to manipulate pictures, not graphics elements --
I'm damn near clueless about that part of Photoshop.


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