[ale] nc100 problems

John Wells jb at sourceillustrated.com
Sun Apr 28 13:11:51 EDT 2002

Yup...looks like the card is bad.  I bought two. Opened the other one and
popped it in and lights instantly came on...



---------  Original message --------
From: Joseph A Knapka <jknapka at earthlink.net>
To: ale at ale.org
To: John Wells <jb at sourceillustrated.com>
CC: ale at ale.org
Subject: Re: [ale] nc100 problems
Date: 04-28-02 21:02

> John Wells wrote:
&gt; Just installed my new Linksys nc100 into an old box.  Booted up
&gt; and smoothwall recognized the card was attached and loaded the tulip
&gt; I can cat /proc/pci and see the cards (also lspci -v).  It's up,
&gt; on the same net and subnet as my private network.  However, no lights
on the
&gt; card and I can't ping anything (get &quot;Destination Host
Unreachable&quot; errors).
&gt; I think it might have something to do with my BIOS settings, but it
&gt; strange that I could see it in /proc/pci if it were.

No lights on the card probably indicates a hardware
problem. Check that the card is seated properly.
I had virtually identical symptoms a couple days ago
with a DLink card that wasn't pushed all the way
into the PCI slot - the card was detected, but
wouldn't talk, and the link light would not come


-- Joe
Using open-source software: free.
Pissing Bill Gates off: priceless.

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