[ale] VIM folding

Mark E. Schill Mark.Schill at cmschill.net
Sat Apr 27 10:18:37 EDT 2002

I am trying to get folding to work in VIM with no luck. I have gone
through the manual with no luck whatsoever.Its a little confusing. 

In this case I am trying to get it to work for conditional statements in

According to what I can pull from the manual:

I created a file called ~/.vim/after/php.vim and entered the following

	syn region MyFold start="{" end="}" transparent fold
	syn sync fromstart
	set foldmethod=syntax

When I do this and edit a php file and enter "zc" or "zC" I get "No fold

Does anyone have any clue how to set this up???

I am using a RedHat VIM 6.0.152	rpm installation.


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