[ale] Ximian

Charles Shapiro charles.shapiro at nubridges.com
Tue Apr 23 15:30:11 EDT 2002

Oog. I am just a dumb luser.  I got the Ximian CD from ximian.com and
installed it on my RH 7.1 distro. It hosed my gnome//sawfish//et cetera
settings so badly that I eventually nuked & paved the whole system. The
Ximian desktop might be great on a fresh install, but if you've already
achieved that delicate balance of computer ecology which allows you to
work effectively, installing the whole desktop can be a tragic mistake.

But the reason I wanted to install Ximian was Evolution//Connector.
After I upgraded to 7.2 and got my gnome desktop back to where I wanted
it, I installed Evolution alone and used Red Carpet to install the
Ximian Connector. They pretty much work as advertised, although the
global address book appears missing on the Linux side. But I discarded
my Lose machine this morning and am now a Free Man.

So ximian makes some really k00l software. But try to make a minimal

Slashdot has an interview with Ximian's Nat Friedman. A Hoopy Frood.

-- CHS

On Tue, 2002-04-23 at 12:58, Kevin Krumwiede wrote:
> Mandrake 8.2 had it in for me, so I went back to 8.1 and installed
> Ximian GNOME desktop.  I've been using it for a couple days now.  So far
> it's working very well.
> I have not seen KDE3 yet.  My opinion is that KDE has always had the
> most stable and polished system interface, but GNOME always has the best
> apps.  IIRC, GNOME was designed to make things easy for app writers. 
> The "killer apps" for me are Evolution (email/organizer), Galeon
> (browser), Pan (newsreader), and Glimmer (code editor).  Ximian turned
> out to be the easiest route to getting these up and running, so for me
> it was a no-brainer.
> Krum
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