[ale] New SuSE 8.0
Dow Hurst
dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Mon Apr 22 11:12:26 EDT 2002
Thanks Keith for the comment about the separate KDE and Gnome trees. I
need to see if there is stuff I am missing out on.
The fix for the login hang was that I had not run SuSEConfig again.
When updating using the online update module in Yast2, sometimes for
certain patches or updates you are required to reboot. The Nvidia
kernel-5 patch required this, but allowed the entire update process to
complete before the reboot was required. I should have run
/sbin/SuSEConfig immediately upon rebooting since I only assumed it had
been done on the online tool exit and hadn't checked. Once I ran it,
then the login problems under KDE went away.
SuSEConfig is the magic tool that is the heart of SuSE. It runs thru a
set of scripts for each set of installed packages such as aaa_base,
latex, and so on. It checks and sets all kinds of settings.
Unfortunately, IIRC it is a compiled program so the scripts are not
available for study. That is part of their Value Add for profit. At
the next ALE-NW meeting under the auspices of the new LUG at KSU, we will
be doing a SuSE install of 7.3 (that is the plan at this point), so we
will see some of how this works.
Dow Hurst wrote:
> I wanted to pass this on as it bears on some topics everyone might be
> interested in. I saw this announcement as a link on the IBM Linux-Line
> April magazine website. The Firewall2 is a YaST2 module for configuring
> an iptables firewall rather than ipchains. Also, for those running SuSE
> 7.3 right now: I just ran the online update this morning and got some
> KDE2 updates that really speeded up the login process. :)
> But, I had to chmod 4755 /opt/kde2/bin/artsd to fix a KDE2 login hang.
> Also, after successfully logging in as root under KDE2, the dcopserver
> can't connect with KLauncher so programs won't start from the graphical
> menu. :(
> I don't see why they couldn't have named this SuSE 7.4 though. Must be
> a marketing dude that made that decision. I usually wait for x.1 or x.2
> for bug fixes but the release number makes less sense these days so I
> may try out the 8.0. SuSE seems to provide bug fixes and security
> patches for every release thru a set lifetime and each new release is
> really to showcase new functionality instead of just bug fixes. In a
> couple of years we will be at Mandrake 41.2, SuSE 38.5, and Slackware 9.
> ;)
> Dow
> SuSE Linux 8.0 for April debut
> At CeBIT 2002, SuSE Linux introduced its SuSE Linux 8.0 distribution,
> saying it will be generally available this month. With its automated
> installation support and graphical user interface KDE 3, SuSE Linux 8.0
> aims mainly for the qualified user's desktop. Highlights of SuSE Linux
> 8.0 include:
> - NEW: glibc 2.2.5 and kernel 2.4.18
> - NEW: graphic support with XFree86 4.2 incl.GeForce3-support
> - NEW: Included: SuSE Linux Firewall2
> - NEW: Apache 1.3.23 Webserver and additional modules
> - NEW: Samba 2.2.3a - File- and Printserver for Windows-networks
> - NEW: Open Office (Beta), StarOffice 5.2
> - NEW: Digital sound with ALSA 0.9
> - NEW: DVD burning
> - NEW: Borland Kylix 2
> - NEW: GNOME 1.4.1 incl. Nautilus
> - Journaling filesystems: ReiserFS, JFS, XFS und Ext3
> - YaST2- Tool for Logical Volume Manager
> - YaST2-Runleveleditor for selective activation of Server processes
> For more information, go to:
> http://www.suse.com
> ---
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Dow Hurst Office: 770-499-3428
Systems Support Specialist Fax: 770-423-6744
1000 Chastain Rd.
Chemistry Department SC428 Email:dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Kennesaw State University Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
Kennesaw, GA 30144
*Computational Chemistry is fun!*
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