[ale] Fwd: RE: [ale] GT on slashdot's bad list, boo hoo
Matthew Brown
matthew.brown at cordata.net
Wed Apr 17 22:45:42 EDT 2002
Actually, hadn't put as much thought into the response as you did.
Just reading the venom in the article, noticing they were PO'ed at the
Honor Code, knowing that it's probably really hard for faculty to
actually enforce that, assuming the charge has more legitimacy than the
slashdot article - with the hyperbolic tones. I was only noting that
the writer of the article/post might have had a bad experience with
[GT|Honor Codes|getting busted] and that this was most likely the source
of his real anger.
Don't know too much about the origins of /., so can't help there.
Did go to Tech, but that's another tale.
Best regards,
Matthew Brown, President
CorData, Inc.
O: (770) 795-0089
F: (404) 806-4855
E: matthew.brown at cordata.net
-----Original Message-----
From: ChangingLINKS.com [mailto:ChangingLINKS.com at bigfoot.com]
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 10:02 PM
To: ale at ale.org
Subject: [ale] Fwd: RE: [ale] GT on slashdot's bad list, boo hoo
Sour grapes?! I didn't get that _at all_. Are you saying the author of
article had sour grapes, or the kid who "cheated?" I kept clicking on
links to read the additional articles, and I think that the kid didn't
"fail" the course (there was some type of negotiation) - and it seems
what the author was writing was sound. Am I missing something?
Are you a Tech graduate?
P.S. Oooh, maybe you are saying that someone at slashdot had sour grapes
. .
. what makes you think that (sounds like there is something about the
background of slashdot that I don't know)
Subject: RE: [ale] GT on slashdot's bad list, boo hoo
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 21:15:09 -0400
From: "Matthew Brown" <matthew.brown at cordata.net>
To: ale at ale.org
To: <ale at ale.org>
Sounds like sour grapes...
Best regards,
Matthew Brown, President
CorData, Inc.
O: (770) 795-0089
F: (404) 806-4855
E: matthew.brown at cordata.net
-----Original Message-----
From: Cade Thacker [mailto:linux at cade.org]
To: ale at ale.org
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 8:40 PM
To: ale at ale.org
Subject: [ale] GT on slashdot's bad list, boo hoo
I hate to repost Slashdot stories but this one was just a little too
close to home not to ask if anybody had a more local(acurate?)
perspective on this topic. Maybe somebody at tech who knows what honor
code they are refering to, or has even had a run in with it? Of course
the slashdot people were all one sided, but hey what else is new... ;)
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