[ale] where can I find a manual for an IBM 5182 Color Printer ?................

Ben Coleman oloryn at benshome.net
Wed Apr 17 14:55:07 EDT 2002

On Wed, 17 Apr 2002 13:09:19 -0500, Courtney Thomas wrote:

>Greetings Again,
>I've just come into possession of said printer but am unable to find a 
>manual. If IBM's website has such, I couldn't find it.

IBM's printer business was long ago spun off as Lexmark, so that's one
place to look, although since it appears to be at least 15 years old
(the site http://www.newdealinc.com/support/knowledgebase/272ibm.asp
seems to indicate that it was discontinued in 1987), it may be
difficult to find manuals in machine-readable format.  

Ben Coleman oloryn at benshome.net      | The attempt to legislatively
http://oloryn.home.mindspring.com/   | micromanage equality results, at
Amateur Radio NJ8J                   | best, in equal misery for all.

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