[ale] Java IDE

Chris Egolf cegolf at ugholf.net
Tue Apr 16 13:24:03 EDT 2002

ChangingLINKS.com wrote:
> I have a friend that is looking to develop Java on Linux. He is used to using 
> C++ builder to do most of his programming work. Is there anything like that 
> for use with Java for Linux (RedHat 7.2)?

We've been using Sun's Forte 3.0 - Community Edition 
(http://forte.sun.com) which is based on the Open Source NetBeans 
project (www.netbeans.org).  Same features under both Linux (Redhat 7.2) 
and Windows so our developers have a choice...and it's been a good way 
to get some of them introduced to Linux.

I've heard that the latest Forte 4.0 release had some install problems 
on non-Redhat linux distros, but I haven't tried it myself.  Overall, 
we've been pretty pleased with it compared to other commercial IDE's 
like VisualAge.

                                Chris Egolf
              http://www.ugholf.net     cegolf at ugholf.net

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