[ale] flash/shockwave

phrostie pfrostie at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 14 17:52:53 EDT 2002

it works flawlessly on netscape.
mozilla and konqueror, no dice.

On Sunday 14 April 2002 15:01, Jeff Rose wrote:
> has anyone gotten flash/shockwave to work on their linux box?  Mine
> works sometimes but not always.  It seems to not work with .dcr
> extensions and just directs me to netscapes web site.  I have the latest
> version in the proper directory and netscape/mozilla/galeon all
> recognize it.  Are these dated extensions that newer versions don't know
> of or maybe newer extensions that haven't been incorporated into the
> linux release yet?  Thanks for the help
> ---
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Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of DOS,
and danced the skies on Linux silvered wings.

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