[ale] mac v pc

SLane at weather.com SLane at weather.com
Wed Apr 10 10:28:30 EDT 2002

I was kind of thinking the same thing:

I don't have anything against Macs or their users but I'm a little surprised
that such pro-Mac content would be on a Linux board since (from a purely
religious viewpoint) Mac takes a proprietary OS then goes a step further and
runs it on proprietary hardware.  granted, to their credit they actually work
but so did those six E4500s I replaced last yr w/quad Xeons for ~1/6th the cost.

this, I believe, was the point of the original question:  Apple may not be evil
but like HP, Sun & IBM (@ least w/RS6000 & 390) their $ is out of line with
their bang.

just my 2c/never 2Bho...

Sid Lane
DBA - Site Operations

                      Chris Ricker                                                                                                    
                      <kaboom at gatech.e         To:      ale at ale.org                                                                   
                      du>                      cc:                                                                                    
                                               Subject: RE: [ale] mac v pc                                                            
                      04/10/2002 10:11                                                                                                
                      Please respond                                                                                                  
                      to ale                                                                                                          

On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, D. Alan Stewart wrote:

> The Intel machine doesn't have Ethernet or Firewire built-in, the Macs does.
> One thing I've learned in 16+ years of using Intel machines is that
> compatability is a real issue, and having to add additional boards to a
> system raises the risks of incompatability. This is an area where Apple has
> done better than anyone else.

Apple hasn't done any better -- they've just refused to allow anyone else to
even enter the market in any meaningful way.  All closed systems (IBM
mainframes, for example) are the same....  Intel may have compatibility
problems, but that's the price you pay for the advantage of being able to
choose between multiple vendors.


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