[ale] that stippled gray X background
fletch at phydeaux.org
Fri Jun 29 23:00:07 EDT 2001
>>>>> "hirsch" == hirsch <hirsch at zapmedia.com> writes:
hirsch> I really don't understand why there isn't an option to set
hirsch> the background at startup. Everything I've seen sets the
hirsch> background after the grey is drawn.
I think it's in part because X has always* started up with
the stippled grey background. It's tradition. :)
[*] Always beeing as long as I've been using X, which is going on 11+
Fletch | "If you find my answers frightening, __`'/|
fletch at phydeaux.org | Vincent, you should cease askin' \ o.O'
770 933-0600 x211(w) | scary questions." -- Jules =(___)=
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