[ale] New Sendmail feature

Fulton Green ale at FultonGreen.com
Wed Jun 6 11:36:44 EDT 2001

Actually, yes, it's a new feature. RH's slowly attempting to harden their
distro, and shutting out incoming SMTP requests falls in line with that
thinking. Lemme guess ... you are able to at least connect within your own
box? The sendmail access rules affecting you are separate from the firewall

Here's roughly what you need to do:

1) Go to /etc/mail , where the config files are
2) Change sendmail.mc to allow what you want, then regen the /etc/sendmail.cf
    file with it
3) If you want want to test relaying, change the access file appropriately
   and rehash the .db file
4) Send the HUP kill signal to the sendmail daemon process

I left out some detail here. Just do like I did and RTFM
at /usr/share/doc/sendmail* .

On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 11:14:51AM -0400, Chris Fowler wrote:
> In RH7.1 sendmail does not accept connections on port 25.  Is this a new
> feature?  During installation I told RH that I wanted no firewall.
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