[ale] Language Jihad!

Jason Lynn jason_lynn_ at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 11 12:31:29 EDT 2001

It really depends on what you want to do with the language.  Do you want an 
interpreted language or a compiled language?  Or perhaps something that uses 
a "Virtual Machine"?  :)  If you like parenthesis, ((((((((((or enjoy 
counting)))))))))), use LISP.  If you are in the habit of typing "GOTO", use 

I personally will NEVER touch Ada ever again.  The university I attended 
tried to drill Ada into our brains.  Too much typing for me.  I got sick of 
it.  I hear that all Ada compilers secretly send your resume to the DOD... 
so be careful.  ;)

I absolutely love Java now, even though it still has it's quirks.  The 
benefits far outweight the drawbacks IMHO.  If you want to do graphics work 
(ie OpenGL, etc), I would suggest C++.  Just my opinions though...



>From: Dow Hurst <dhurst at kennesaw.edu>
>To: ale at ale.org
>Subject: [ale] Language Jihad!
>Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 11:50:48 -0400
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>I have wanted to learn a programming language for a while now.  My
>thoughts were first with Perl for sysadmin.  Later, I thought I'd go
>with Python to get Object Oriented type code but still have the string
>manipulation capabilities.  Right now, Barnes and Noble has a C++ class
>online I am trying out.  Also, I discovered Ruby which has high praises
>for useability and versatility.  Tcl is interesting and people have
>praised Ada95 to me.  I am a bit confused over the whole "what is best"
>thing and believe that whatever will get the job done with the least
>fuss and bother is probably best.  I've bought books but until I get
>really fired up and believe I am on the "right" track, I just lose
>I really had a laugh over the "Language Holy War" email replies over the
>html link sed regexp question by Christopher Bergeron!
><trying to clean up coffee spilled from hilarious laughter with pages
>from Solomon's "Organic Chemistry">
><I hated Organic Chemistry!>
>Can someone convince me which is the best all around language to use?
>Seems that C++ isn't so difficult but I really like Ruby and Perl for
>the simplicity of how much code you have to write to get something done.
>Of course, I really enjoy piping basic unix commands together such as:
>  grep -n 'chemical connectivity' inputfile |
>  awk -v FS=: '{print($1)}' |
>  xargs -i echo " -e '{},{} s/0X    4 /0X   11 /g' \"
>  >> output_sed_script.txt
>Now that was fun!!
>Dow Hurst                   Office: 770-499-3428
>Systems Support Specialist  Fax:    770-423-6744
>1000 Chastain Rd.
>Chemistry Department SC428  Email:dhurst at kennesaw.edu
>Kennesaw State University         Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
>Kennesaw, GA 30144
>*Computational Chemistry is hard work!*
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