[ale] INN server

Russell Enderby russell.enderby at arris-i.com
Thu Jan 25 14:44:08 EST 2001

Well it is still a work in progress.  I will need to look at the XFS solution you mentioned.
The box will most likely be a redhat 6.2 box, intel hardware with some adaptec scsi2 (wide, etc) controller (mabe hardware raid as well).  I am still researching RAM and CPU requirements as it seems like most of the time is HD access.  I am currently betting RAM and CPU will not be a huge factor as much as fast and large SCSI devices will be a must.  But I was hoping to find someone else on this list who is running INN so I can get a feel for these requirements.


Dow Hurst wrote:

> Russell,
> I don't know INN at all but had some thoughts on the thread:
> Use a SGI Origin 3000 with XLV and XFS combined to span drives seamlessly and mirror.  If a drive fails you can restore easily while the mirror takes over.  Also, growing the filesystem is possible even while in use.  You could easily have thousands of drives.  I talked with an SGI engineer and found out you could have 1024 SCSI controllers on a fully decked out Origin 2000 (256 CPUs with 4 CPUs per node).  Maybe the Linux based LV system has a similar functionality, I don't know.  SGI specialized XFS and XLV to work on Terabyte size installations, you should take a look at it.  SGI has finally released XFS to the open source after purging it of the code that couldn't be included legally.  Either ReiserFS or XFS coupled with a logical volume management scheme would give you what you want in terms of a large file system worth using.  Being able to configure INN to access multiple filesystems for different groupings would certainly be a solution.  For that large a system, have you given thought to how long a fsck would take?  As long as you've got many small filesystems, you would have many parallel fscks running.  A single large ext2fs would take quite awhile!  I guess you would need two machines so you could backup and fsck one while the other provides services?  Each one of those ought to be mirrored, right?
> I have been using ReiserFS on my laptop since last June with no problems and great success.  No wait times on boot for fsck's!  What hardware will you be using for your news server?
> Dow
> Dow Hurst
> Systems Support Specialist
> Chemistry Department
> Kennesaw State University
> 770-499-3428 Office
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