[ale] linux kernel tuneables ?

jeff hubbs hbbs at mediaone.net
Wed Dec 19 11:49:47 EST 2001

For enlightenment's sake, what kind of parameters do people modify and 
under what circumstances?

- Jeff

Chris Ricker wrote:

> On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Gene Matthews wrote:
>>I am trying to figure out where I can tune certain things under linux. 
>>Solaris has the /etc/system file where you set values for some kernel 
>>parms that are pickep up at boot time.  I haven't found (yet) anything 
>>similar, although I'm still looking.
>>Can anyone point me in the right direction?
> Linux has two interfaces to the exact same kernel parameters, a BSD-sytle
> sysctl(8) and /proc/sys.
> sysctl is a command to modify parameters.  It can be run directly with the
> parameter to modify (similar to using adb / mdb on the running kernel in
> Solaris), but more typically the parameters are listed in /etc/sysctl.conf
> (similar to /etc/system).  sysctl -p will apply that file.
> /proc/sys contains files representing the tunable parameters.  Values are 
> read by catting the files, and are changed by echoing new values into the 
> files.
> The same parameters are available through either interface.  It's just a 
> matter of which syntax you prefer.  For example,
> sysctl -w kernel.sysrq=1
> and 
> echo "1" > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq
> both do the same thing -- enable the Magic SysRequest key.
> The files in
> /usr/src/linux/Documentation/{networking/ip-sysctl.txt,sysctl/*} document
> all the available parameters.
> later,
> chris
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