[ale] binhex -- help opening a picture -- thanks

keith frost pfrostie at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 18 12:12:30 EST 2001

i run quicktime on linux with the crossover plugin.

--- Cadet Hacker <linux at cade.org> wrote:
> Just want to let you guys know what I ended up
> doing, just incase you run
> into the same thing later on. Since the PICT format
> and QuickTime are both
> from Apple, I ended up just using QuickTime media
> play on my W2K box to
> view the file, they had a Copy command. Then I
> pasted the picture into
> Paint, then saved it as a bmp. From there, I could
> open it in gimp. Not a
> linux solution, I am sure there is one. I just did
> not stumble
> upon...um...discover it first. anyway, knowledge for
> knowledge sake.

Oh I have slipped the surly bonds of DOS
and danced the skies on Linux silvered wings.

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