[ale] OT FUN: What are your hosts named?

Geoffrey esoteric at denali.atlnet.com
Tue Dec 11 07:27:26 EST 2001

bpolk78 wrote:
> My hosts are named after the forsaken in the Wheel of Time series by
> Robert Jordan.  Azmodean, Graendal, Ishamael, etc.

I'm so enjoying this useless thread. :)  A few assignments ago, we used
to rotate who named the machines amongst the team members, so we ended
up with quite an interesting mix.  We had a religious fanatic, a gun
freak, a science freak, a sci-fi freak, a car freak and on and on...

We had names like:

tachyon, transam, alphaeus, pokey (a 3b2-200, what would you name it),
Genesis, feyman, einstein, ruger...

Then the powers that be started requiring names identifying the machine
locality (alpha*, atl*), ruined all the fun...

> Bert

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at denali.atlnet.com

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