[ale] sh script problem

Michael Phillips mike at coosavalley.net
Thu Sep 21 16:33:55 EDT 2000

I am attempting to write a script that will redirect the output of tree to a
file for further processing. For the curious, the files are located on a
wincrap server and I am mounting the shares via my Linux workstation. The
script looks like this:



echo "NT Share Scan. Performed on:" >> $RESULTS
date >> $RESULTS
echo "---------------------------------" >> $RESULTS
echo "" >> $RESULTS

for i in `cat ntdrives.list`
        echo "Cataloging $i for directory listing" >> $RESULTS
        mount -t smbfs -o username=$USERNAME,password=$PASSWORD //$i $MNTDIR
        cd $MNTDIR
        tree -as >> $RESULTS
        cd /
        umount $MNTDIR
        echo "" >> $RESULTS

ntshares contains:

/ntserver/Linux Security
/ntserver/Chip's Stuff

The third share mounts fine so I am suspecting that the whitespace has
something to do with being unable to mount the other two shares. I have
tried the following variations, yet the script still craps out for the Linux
Security and Chip's Stuff shares:

"/ntserver/Linux Security"
'/ntserver/Linux Security'
`/ntserver/Linux Security`
""/ntserver/Linux Security""

What am I doing wrong?




Michael Phillips                    UNIX Administrator
<mike.phillips at ieionline.com >  	Phone: 256-362-8562 Ext 143
International Enterprises, Inc. 	Fax: 256-362-0102
108 Allen St                        http://www.ieionline.com
Talladega, AL 35160                 "Superior Avionics for the Military"

DISCLAIMER: Opionions expressed are not neccessarily those of my employer

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