[ale] Digital VCR

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Mon Sep 18 10:38:41 EDT 2000

Can you guarantee that you can write 27Mb/s continuously for an hour? 
What type drives and bus are you using?  You might need to tailor your
machine some so other processes won't interfere.  Under IRIX you can
assign a portion of the CPU to a task, can you do this under Linux? 
Also, will 95Gbs raw compress down to a DVD in the current DVD format? 
I don't know much about DVD except that you would need to get below 5Gb,

Stuffed Crust wrote:
> Anyone have any experience getting a Linux box to act as a rudimentary
> VCR?  Actual scheduling and whatnot isn't an issue (cron!) but what I'm
> concerned with:
> Basically, I want to "tape" Babylon 5 when it re-airs on the Sci-Fi
> network on the 25th.
> 640x480x24 @30fps equates to some 27MB/s of data, and each hour-long
> episode would equate to some 95 gigs.  :)
> Needless to say, I'll need to compress on the fly.  But I'd like to
> eventually crunch the video with mpeg4, so I'd like the initial
> compression to not cause too much lossy-ness.
> So -- What experiences have people had with this sort of thing?  Is my
> best bet to buy a bunch of disks and RAID0'em so I'll have enough space
> for raw capturing, and crunch it down later? What kind of hardware is
> necessary for real-time mpeg2 compression?  Any recommendations for
> syncing sound and video stuff?
> (And for those of you who will suggest I get a TiVo -- I can't archive
>  what it records)
>  - Pizza
> --
> Solomon Peachy                                        pizza at cc.gatech.edu
> I ain't broke, but I'm badly bent.                        +1(404)294-6978
> Patience comes to those who wait.                            ICQ #1318344
>     ...It's not "Beanbag Love", it's a "Transanimate Relationship"...
> --
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Dow Hurst                   Office: 770-499-3428
Systems Support Specialist  Fax:    770-423-6744
1000 Chastain Rd.
Chemistry Department SC428  Email:dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Kennesaw State University         Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
Kennesaw, GA 30144
*Computational Chemistry is fun!*
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