[ale] Mandrake 7.1

Jeff Hubbs jhubbs at telocity.com
Sat Sep 9 00:25:24 EDT 2000

Marty_Bellsouth wrote:

have just installed Mandrake 7.1 and am using Netscape that came with the
install. When down loading a program I cannot control where it goes by
using the save as function. In this install I also can not find the rpm
package to install after I down load it. I did not have this problem with
RH 6.2any suggestions?Thank
Marty -
Netscape does something that's really maddening.  By default, when
you click on a link that results in a file being downloaded, the dialog
box starts off with your home directory (i.e., /home/<username>) and
if you hit OK then and there, that's where the downloaded file will go. 
However, when you try to navigate around in the dialog box, the filename
itself is lost.  What I usually do is navigate to where I want the
downloaded file to go, hit Cancel, then click on the link again, at which
time the filename suddenly reappears at the end of the path you navigated
to previously.
- Jeff

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