[Fwd: [ale] linuxgruven.com]

Benjamin Scherrey scherrey at innoverse.com
Tue Oct 24 00:21:13 EDT 2000

Aiigh.. forgot the reply-to stuff was never filled...
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To: jiin <jiin at jiin.org>
Subject: Re: [ale] linuxgruven.com
From: Benjamin Scherrey <scherrey at innoverse.com>
To: ale at ale.org
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 00:06:42 -0400
Organization: Innoverse, Inc.
References: < at jiin.org>
Sender: scherrey at mail.switchco.com

jiin wrote:
> I apologize for the off topic post. however I need some information about
> this company.

	You're way on topic here and I've never heard of that company.
> Their offer was very nice and I have no idea if I will be accepted or not
> until tommorow (tues.). The jist of the offer was this: 45k per year <entry
> level>, paid health insurance for the family including vision and dental,
> 401k and stock options before the IPO is released. The part that smells
> like it could be a scam is that they want me to pay $2500 dollars up front
> for a 4 week training course to get certified in linux. Not any one
> particular distro but "all major" distros. < the $2500 comes back after one
> year>. My thought is to sign a contract with them for a year and they pay
> the educational fees.

	You pay the money to them or are they just wanting you to get certified
and don't care how you do it? If you have to give them a dime I wouldn't
even allow them to talk to me again. If they want you certified then its
understandable but I question their "commitment". It sounds like they're
trying to be a linux contractor shop and just want to farm linux resumes
out to companies the way current contracting agencies do. The only
legitimate manner in which I've seen this done (and it seems to be
common) is for the company to pay for the training/certification in
return for the employee signing a promissory note to pay back those
costs pro-rated if they cease to be employed by that company within one
or two years. If you're really interested then I'd counter-offer this
deal and make sure that the certification is recognized outside of this

	good luck,

		Ben Scherrey

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