[ale] Red Hat 6.1 Hard Drive always accessing

Douglas Knudsen dtk at math.ufl.edu
Thu Jul 20 21:42:17 EDT 2000

I agree.  But, yes, I've checked all the connections like 100 times.  I even
removed the drive and put it in another machine where the light operated fine. 
After acting like a retentive nerdy person, which I am, for months, I decided
to try the Zen approach and let it be.  

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Jeff Hubbs wrote:
> I know this sounds like a DUUUUHHHH! sort of thing, but are you certain that
> the LED's connector is actually completely on the mobo's LED pins?  This may
> not be obvious under casual inspection - oftentimes, the HDD LED header is
> right up against other headers end-to-end on the mobo and you may not
> necessarily be able to see the header straight-on.  If the connector is
> bridging one pin on the HDD LED header and another pin on another header, it
> can result in this kind of symptom.
> - Jeff
Douglas Knudsen
Alltel Information Services
Internal Support and Development   <--Hey!  These views are MINE!

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                -- Ted Turner      

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John Lithgow, 3rd Rock from the Sun      <--thanks giancarlo

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