[ale] Problems compiling

Chris Fowler ChrisF at computone.com
Fri Dec 29 15:19:33 EST 2000

believe I need ld-linux.so.2 and ldd to dynamically link.  Is this 
<FONT face=Arial color=#0000ff 
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  <FONT face=Tahoma 
  size=2>-----Original Message-----From: Chris Fowler 
  [mailto:ChrisF at computone.com]Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 3:02 
  PMTo: 'ale at ale.org'Subject: [ale] Problems 
  I need to compile gcc to run with libraies installed in a SDK 
  on my system. 
  I compiled the following: 
  gcc make <FONT 
  size=2>awk binutils <FONT 
  size=2>shutils fileutils <FONT 
  as static.  They are very big. 
  I then copied them to /SDK/bin. Then 
  chroot /SDK bin/sh I then recompiled gcc 2.8.1 with 
  the static utilities and have a good gcc.  But it is static.  I need 
  it to be dynaic becasue I want to compile all these things again and have them 
  linked to libs in /SDK/lib.
  What did I do wrong? 
  Thanks, Chris 

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